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    荒野求生 第五季 (2008)

    最近更新: 2019-11-17 第09集
    • 主演:Bear Grylls
    • 导演:未知
    • 编剧:未知
    • 分类:纪录片
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2008 
    • 更新:11.17
    • 简介:看片狂人(www.kpkuang.com)为您奉上美国电影《荒野求生第五季》的免费在线观看,《荒野求生第五季》是由导演:未知执导,由Bear Grylls等领衔主演,本片(剧)于2008上映,对白语言为英语,属于类型,最后祝您观影愉快,本页面也会及时添加或更新本片(剧)的影评信息及最新播放源。以下是剧情简介:
      EP1 "Western Pacific" August 11, 2010  Grylls is on a desert island, south of Papua New Guinea. He wades across a shark-infested tidal channel, climbs crumbling volcanic cliffs, leaps over a 100-foot death drop, and constructs a ba...... 完整简介请见下方


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    EP1 "Western Pacific" August 11, 2010   Grylls is on a desert island, south of Papua New Guinea. He wades across a shark-infested tidal channel, climbs crumbling volcanic cliffs, leaps over a 100-foot death drop, and constructs a bamboo windsurfer to make his escape.   EP2 "Northern Australia" August 18, 2010   In Australia's Northern Territory, Grylls must rely on many of the skills honed by the Aboriginal people to survive in this sweltering landscape dominated by crocodiles.   EP3 "Canadian Rockies" August 25, 2010   While in the Canadian Rockies, Grylls is buried alive in an avalanche, swims long distance beneath an ice-covered lake, and is airvac-ed to the hospital when an icy glissade goes horribly wrong.   EP4 "Georgian Republic" September 1, 2010   Grylls lands in the snow-capped Caucasus Mountains of the Georgian Republic by driving a snowmobile out the back of a hovering helicopter. He ziplines across a river, camps among wolves and trudges through swampy wetlands.   EP5 "Fan vs. Wild" September 8, 2010   Grylls takes two fans into the Canadian wilderness for their ultimate survival challenge. They face their fears head on, trek down dangerous glaciers and across a frigid glacial river, build a rustic shelter, and try to swallow typical Grylls fare.   EP6 "Extreme Desert" September 15, 2010   In the Mojave Desert Grylls puts himself in the path of a man-made sandstorm, takes on the full force of a man-made flash flood and HALO jump from 30,000 feet. His body is pushed to the limit as the temperature soars from minus 40 to 110 degrees.



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