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    熟视无睹 Elephants (2018)

    最近更新: 2024-03-14 1080P


    • 浓烈的爱情仿佛便签条上每日让女主会心而笑的大象故事,停滞原地循环往复的轮回痛苦则仿若房间里看不见的大象。没有交互的改变、流动的成长,相爱也不代表可以在一起。看完有点酸涩。而作为独立作品,剧本导演部分都有灵光,蛮顺畅好看。三星半。
    • so what?
    • 剧情老掉牙 人美多给一分 希望小舅子和男主和我三个人共浴爱河。 这种情感泥沼挣扎的感觉,经历过,最后我也是哭着说“求求你放过我”然后离开了。 两个人哭得死去活来的在公园
    • 妥协 或者 分开 终究需要个解决办法

    A true indie film through and through, Elephants takes an authentic look at a modern relationship in a "slice of life" style, peeling away intimate layers to ask the question: how do you know when someone's right for you or rather, when it's time to move on? After a three year stint in prison, the charming but hot-headed Lee Riley returns to Los Angeles to win back the girlfriend he left behind, alluring and headstrong Kate Caldwell. Despite having moved on and grown into an independent woman, Kate agrees to let him stay while he looks for an apartment and soon enough, the pair falls back into their old patterns, losing themselves in an ardent relationship once more. Yet, as the free-spirited nature of their romance starts to tear down the life Kate has built, she finds herself losing her new identity but unable to let Lee go. Likewise, Lee starts to wonder if the buoyant memories from their past are preventing him from growing up and becoming something more.





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