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    探索未知的边界 The Most Unknown (2018)

    最近更新: 2024-04-16 HD1080P中字


    • 科普很好~~转了一圈拍摄没有什么卵用,没火花,没进展。总之又被高分骗了,又没注意到是纪录片。
    • Netflix出品的科学纪录片,每个科学家都是串场的主角。不同学科之间的联系和过渡有点生硬,没有显示出科学内在的哲学联系,倒是凸显了“隔行如隔山”的新奇和未知。全片其实可以用作高等教育尤其是理工科学科的人文素质课程的一部分,人类在宇宙尺度下极为孤独和渺小,没有什么好值得炫耀和骄傲的,我们甚至还没有摸到科学的边界。边界之内已经如此浩瀚无垠,那边界之外呢?当知道了科学的无力感,可能我们会更加珍惜今天人类社会发展中所取得的科学成就,更为庆幸和珍惜感恩我们每个成为独一无二自己的机缘——宇宙中的人类存在本身就是一个小概率事件。科学是无限的,但是人类的科学认知是有限的,这种认知是有边界的,而在这种边界以内的不倦探索,以及那种永远想延伸到边界之外的好奇心,正是人类生存和发展的动力。以上。
    • 给我类似intersteller的观影感受
    • 我们对地球了解多少?




    The Most Unknown is an epic documentary film that sends nine scientists to extraordinary parts of the world to uncover unexpected answers to some of humanity's biggest questions. How did life begin? What is time? What is consciousness? How much do we really know? By introducing researchers from diverse backgrounds for the first time, then dropping them into new, immersive field work they previously hadn't tackled, the film reveals the true potential of interdisciplinary collaboration, pushing the boundaries of how science storytelling is approached. What emerges is a deeply human trip to the foundations of discovery and a powerful reminder that the unanswered questions are the most crucial ones to pose. Directed by Emmy-nominated and Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Ian Cheney (The Search for General Tso, The City Dark) and advised by world-renowned filmmaker Werner Herzog (Fitzcarraldo, Aguirre, The Wrath of God, Grizzly Man), The Most Unknown is an ambitious look at a side of science never before shown on screen. The film was made possible by a grant from Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science.





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