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    冰上火 Ice on Fire (2019)

    最近更新: 2023-12-30 HD英语中英双字


    • 三星半。和《蓝色星球》或《地球脉动》一类自然纪录片结合起来看,你会发现人类在这个星球上是多么多余。
    • 小李子做了啥?
    • 碳排放加热地球
    • 基本还是老套路,没有多少新意,不同之处就是提出了解决办法,但是为什么这么好的解决办法没人用呢?还是因为不够好啊......

    Can we reverse climate change? Ice on Fire explores the many ways we reduce carbon inputs to the atmosphere and, more important, how to "draw" carbon down, bringing CO2 out of the atmosphere and thus paving the way for global temperatures to go down. Reversing climate change is urgent, given that the world passed 400 parts per million CO2 in the atmosphere resulting in climate instability across the globe. We have heard the predictions but now climate related events are a daily reality - summer 2018 was the hottest on record, storms are stronger, droughts are longer, the arctic ice is thin or non-existent and antarctica is melting faster than predicted. Through visiting visionaries and scientists young and old, the film explores the deep hope that we can turn away from the brink. And, just as we figure out drawdown, we face an added complexity, the release of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas in the arctic, that is now entering the atmsphere. As the film says: "Is it game over? Or is it game on? As we have at hand, the ability, the capacity, and solutions that can reverse global warming...not mitigate, not reduce, not stabilize, but reverse.'





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