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    无声的证言 第二十五季 Silent Witness Season 25 (2022)

    最近更新: 2023-12-31 第06集


    • 一开始不太好看,后面渐入佳境就好了。看到最后发现Tom 才是拿了大男主剧本的人设啊/剧中狐狸姐 的角色,认真工作起来就是理性 独立的职业女性,一感情用事就是毫无双商可言的傻婆娘。狐狸姐一傻,看得就头疼/追了很多年的剧,从Harry到Jack,看到狐狸姐 和Jack一起,其实还是不太习惯/集数缩短、叙事结构慢了很多、编剧刻意制造感情线、莱尔中心群龙无首、把前女主又请回来了... 种种迹象看来,这个常青剧是不是快要完结了?
    • 萨姆一如纪往的强势,当年走了一个阿姨来了一个姐姐,如今两个都是阿姨
    • 男主挺有型的,案件都还行。
    • 习惯性以为还有10集,结果一直没更新发现只有6集了。这一季Pro Ryan回归,两代女主同框。Nikki和Jack总算是捅破窗户纸了。
    • When Nikki and Jack enter her hotel room at the end of an evening, the room number is 657; when they leave the next morning, the number yakubd.net is 650 (and the hinges are on the wrong side of the door)
    • Fake DNA
    • 无意中点开,两代女主的碰面,第一代还是一眼认出。加一星
    • 节奏慢好多…
    • 也就66岁,sam的嗓音好怪异。
    • 不知道是不是最后一季了,但女主肯定拉皮了,肉眼可见的比之前紧致了好多,可惜还是无法回到刚登场时的青春靓丽。
    • 适合追了很多年的剧迷看一看。
    • 阿姨回归!
    • 这一季就是让我各种怀念在🇬🇧上学的日子啊!Nikki和Jack是在一起啦~两代女主同框,都好飒!喜欢🦊姐又好看穿衣也喜欢!
    • 长寿剧,且看且珍惜了,英剧水准实在高。respect

    Forensic pathologists face personal and professional challenges in a moody, tense thriller that moves from the crime scene to the lab. Amanda Burton makes a dramatic return to Silent Witness as she reprises her role of Sam Ryan for the 25th anniversary. Amanda first appeared in the lead role of pathologist Sam Ryan in 1996, starring in 54 episodes before leaving in 2004, when her character returned home to Northern Ireland to be with her family. Amanda Burton says: “I am so excited to be returning to Silent Witness and stepping back into Sam Ryan’s shoes - with a difference! Audiences can look forward to plenty of twists and turns as they discover what Sam’s been doing since leaving the Lyell.” Amanda joins fellow cast members Emilia Fox (Nikki Alexander), David Caves (Jack Hodgson) and Genesis Lynea (Simone Tyler) for six brand new episodes which will mark the 25th Anniversary of the hugely popular prime time BBC One drama. Emilia Fox says: “It is such a delight and thrill to be working with Amanda. To have Sam Ryan back again at the heart of the show is the greatest way of all to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Silent Witness.”





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