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    小美国 第二季 Little America Season 2 (2022)

    最近更新: 2023-12-27 第08集


    • 第五集真的想骂人骂那位Yana,就是渣;结季的最后一集,普通却最动人
    • 中间几集真的看不懂 什么鬼
    • 7/8还可以 但第三集我缓缓打出13个问号
    • 虽然都是心灵鸡汤,但不妨碍去琢磨一下。
    • #appletv+
    • 有点惊喜,帽子店老板很眼熟,好像是《寄生虫》里的地下室保姆扮演者
    • 闪回的方式,丰富了人物的性格塑造。还能找到那些让你眼里有光的东西吗。不同人,不同种群的梦抑或向往,在一个开放的价值观体系下,是否都能得到实现。多元文化,多元价值观。政治剧
    • 是美国成就了移民,还是移民成就了美国?这不是一部政治剧,却政治正确到了极点;这不是一系列纪录片,却真实得让人落泪。这些是美国移民的故事,这些是人的故事。
    • “Inspired by a true story"最令人动容
    • 报看,第二季故事好无聊
    • 1267不错,整体比较粗糙,有些故事选的一般
    • 比第一季剧情丰富
    • 看过,感觉不如第一季,有几集很水。
    • cliche

      One country. Eight big dreams.  Created by Emmy Award nominee Lee Eisenberg and Academy Award winner Siân Heder, the critically acclaimed series, which garnered a 95\\% Fresh Rotten Tomatoes score during its freshman season run, will return with eight brand new, inspiring stories.  “Little America” is influenced by true stories featured in Vox Media’s Epic Magazine and aims to share and celebrate the funny, romantic, heartfelt, inspiring and surprising stories of immigrants from all over the world living in America. Inspired by real stories of immigrants from around the world who are pursuing their American dream, the highly anticipated second season of “Little America” will feature performances from Phylicia Rashad, Alan S. Kim, Ki Hong Lee and more.  In addition to Eisenberg and Heder, the show’s executive producers include Kumail Nanjiani, Emily V. Gordon, Alan Yang, Natalie Sandy, Epic Magazine’s Joshuah Bearman, Joshua Davis and Arthur Spector. The series is produced for Apple TV+ by Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.





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