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    珍的不一样 Extraordinary (2023)

    最近更新: 2024-03-08 第08集


    • 3+
    • 珍的不错!笑点很对我胃口~(也有可能是直接看英字的原因)第二季赶紧续上₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑
    • 在超能世界里唯一没有能力的你~英式丧萌版本魔法满屋。通灵室友超暖心啊,捡回来的🐈‍⬛哈哈哈哈哈😂
    • LOSER剧最终陌生人送一万二也太破坏基调了吧。以及给LOSER情侣送的技能都太好用了,让人无法信服怎么会LOSER到这副田地。
    • 开年最大惊喜!吸希特勒灵魂到对面解压,真素消暑,室友适时召唤爸爸的灵魂,让你有所拥抱,是世界上最幸福的事了
    • 挺好玩的,女士竟然最后和自己的猫谈恋爱了!
    • 配乐太棒了
    • Episode 101, typical The Ugly Duckling Plot, come on! Have some innovation plz. ep4,弃剧。主线迟迟不推进。三位主角的支线也没有任何吸引人的点。猫人重拾身份,老套;义警团队破裂,俗套;主妇渴望激情,老生常谈。
    • 啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈magic teats
    • 但凡没有这么多异性恋元素都是四颗星。哈哈哈哈哈哈
    • 以自我为中心、把朋友的好当作理所当然、看不得别人好…珍不就是我吗🤥
    • 色调和运镜都不错,但是女主人设真的没问题吗
    • 除了女主比较讨人厌之外,其他不错~
    • 下一季会不会给PDF男配个PPT?
    • 带点温馨的搞笑生活剧,果然是我的最爱。一脸胡子的“小奶猫”形象简直是最大反差,啊哈哈哈
    • 剧情其实挺老套的,而且人设实在不讨喜啊
    • 正确的软科幻打开方式。笑死我了。这种轻松而凡人的角度,会让大多观众接受科幻的,值得学习。唯独就是情景喜剧有余,主线故事很难说有……
    • 🧐超能力太强了
    • 趣味横生的设定。
    • 设定其实因为有动漫魔法书在前,所以没有觉得特别的新鲜。不过英国人的幽默确实有发挥稳定。这几个月里看的最佳喜剧了

      “Extraordinary” is set in a world where everyone develops a power on their 18th birthday… everyone, that is, except for Jen. She’s turning 25 and is still waiting to get hers. She’s not even fussy about what that could be: super speed? Laser eyes? The ability to plug in a USB the right way every single time? She’ll take it. Like a caterpillar surrounded by butterflies, Jen feels unable to move forward, stuck in a dead-end job in a party shop and occasionally hooking up with Luke, a flaky young man with the irritatingly cool ability to fly. Luckily, Jen has Carrie to stop her from wallowing in her own self-pity. Inseparable since school, their relationship cycles between sister, parent, and wingman. Together they share an East London flat with Carrie’s long-term boyfriend, Kash. Carrie has the power to channel the dead but feels she’s been overshadowed by her own party trick: doesn’t anyone care about what she has to say? Kash takes his power – the ability to turn back time – very seriously, but he’s not above using it to undo minor embarrassments, or moments when he says exactly the wrong thing to long-suffering Carrie. The fourth member of the flat is a stray cat, named Jizzlord by the gang, who’s harbouring a surprising secret: turns out even cats have more power than Jen.





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